

hair color: brown
hair length: waist
eye color: purple
skin color: medium brown
height: 5'8", 172 cm
piercings: 4 on left ear, 5 on right ear
scars: one down through right eye, keeping it shut, other small ones all over body
clothing: black vest with a red button-up shirt underneath, black pants, red knife holster, black boots with red straps, black choker and hairclips, and black fingerless gloves
other: mole under left eye, dartboard tattoo on right forearm


alias: cas
age: 18
birthday: april 9th
pronouns: she/her
gender identity: female
sexuality: lesbian
mbti: istj
enneagram: 6w5
ability: ricinus communis - the ability to secrete poison out of the skin
weapons: poisoned darts
occupation: articae member
affiliation: articae
skills: toxicology, long range combat, hand to hand combat


very standoffish, aggressive, and antisocial. can be nice when you get to know her, but snaps very easily. genuinely cares about only a few people, but will do whatever it takes to protect them. will never disclose any personal information unless she trusts you, and her trust doesn't come easily. quick to start fights. terrified of abandonment.


cas had a rough childhood. her father died when she was five, and her mother lapsed into a depressive state, relying on drugs and alcohol. cas had to learn how to sustain herself, and taught herself how to fight out of sheer boredom. she got good at it, and eventually got into street fighting. she reigned undefeated, and even though she was very young, everyone knew who she was. she then got roped into taking an assassination job, and started taking more from there. cas started staying away from home more and more, until when she was 17, her mother killed herself. cas took it really hard, and took a break from her work in the underworld. after a month or so she came back, more determined than ever. she then got hired to kill the villain known as 'eclipse.' she almost succeeded, before being stopped by icarus. she was impressed they managed to stop her, and they were impressed she managed to almost get them, they asked her if she wanted to join their organization - the articae - and she warily agreed.


alice (girlfriend)
levi (friend)
demi (friend)
ryi (friend)
ezra (friend)
akira (enemy?)

streamer au

Alias: Casidic, cas
Alignment: neutral evil
Variety: FPS, fighting games, minecraft, and irl board games
Interactions: roommates with Ryi, and they stream together most of the time. plays with Eclipse sometimes, and Violet and Unwritten sometimes. forces Ryi to play games like darts and chess with her
Facecam: usually